How this section is devised: In lieu of a fancy search engine, reviews are organized into alphabetical pages by artist and then cross-linked on anywhere from one to three loosely-applied and hastily-defined category pages. Therefore, a single review might be listed under "electronic", "experimental" and "improv"... but it will always reside on the same alphabetical page. Via this crude cross-referencing method, it is theoretically possible to generate multiple hyper-categories as they are needed without disturbing the location of the review itself. For now anyway.The end result is as follows: You can navigate from a category page to a review and then opt to follow a category cross-reference (if there is one) instead of backtracking. Or you can use your alphabetical skills to home in on the review you seek. Or both. (In any event, we would definitely appreciate any feedback you could offer on how well this does or doesn't work. Thanks.)
{ seek by category }
{ locate by alphabetical vector }

last update 1/6/97
Reign of Toads PO Box 40498 Albuquerque NM 87196-0498 USA